"Mom and dad, you wont believe the dream I had. It was really funny and cool. Me and my brother, it wasn't Jon because this was a different family, were born at the same time but we weren't twins. When we were six in that city when you were six you were allowed to go on your own by your own self and find out things, and so one night when we were sleeping there were transformers on a different planet. Optimus Prime reached out to get us and we were not sleeping so we asked him what he was going to do to us and he said 'I am going to change your life!'. He gave us a medicine and put us into a deep sleep. He cut off our arms and legs and gave us a robotic gun and sword that could turn into arms to and two huge metal legs so we could run. When we woke up we were back in our beds and we were like 'Oh cool'. We went out of our house before our parents woke up. We had breakfast and we jumped onto the table and bounced on it, and there was a board game from last nigh on it and it got smashed all over the place. And we went down the road singing a song. We went to have some fun and the first thing that we did is we trapped on guy in jail and then we went to school. It was dress up day so we were very lucky but our class was not! A bad guy jumped in when we first got into the school. Our arms were very strong and we grabbed the bad guy's head and flopped him all around the school and we were like 'This guy is a piece of paper!' The other kids were wondering where we got the metal arms and legs from and me and my brother were worried that they wanted to reveal our big secret that we didn't want to tell them. "