Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Another week in New Zealand - by Camille

Today my family went to the National Skateboard Competition of NZ:

We went into the Marae (Maori Ceremonial Hall) today and here is what one of the carvings looked like inside:

This is the fairy door in our town and me trying to imagine the fairy inside:

This is my stationary (books for school). They are my work books that I write in. We decorated them very seriously using huge stickers:

This is the flying fox. Its sorta like a swing that you sit on and then from high up and it goes down and then tires hit you and you jump up and you go back again. It is at Maidstone playground in the Upper Hutt:


  1. I love your fairy imagining face!!!

  2. yesss camille :) i miss you. i can't wait to see you in april
